zondag 29 mei 2011

Almost Holidayzzzz

Hello everyone who's reading this!

School's almost ending, so also our Comenius meetings on thursday. At the moment were still working on the last theme of this year, communication, with the summer in our head.
Aaand were also already planning things for the Holland meeting next year! I think it's gonna be better than the other meetings ^^ hahaha
So I was wondering who's coming? I know it's a bit early :P

Well I'm gonna leave it with this tiny summer story!

Have a great summer with lots of sunshine and no school and no homework!


woensdag 9 maart 2011

A little look on Amsterdam

This holiday I went to Amsterdam, I made there a lot of pictures and these are some of them.
At the roof of Nemo
Lots of bikes
Typical canal houses
Did you know that Amsterdam has more bridges than Venice?